Sunday, August 22, 2010

LD 18: Try it Out Thus Far

Here's the game thus far... Now I'm going to warn you, IT IS BUGGY!!! Yeah I didn't fix them all. Some are minor yet annoying (sometimes insults just freeze, when you win it may not clear it, on level 3 many of the critters vanish all at once), and some are drastic (can't play through a second time). (EDIT: NON FUNCTIONAL NOW!!!)

However, if you do play it, please comment here, or email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter or just in any way you can, let me know your opinion (don't hold back, be brutally honest!) and let me know whatever bugs you may find, even if they're the ones I've listed above. I'd TOTALLY appreciate it if you do since I won't have much time to work on it after I get off of work. Also let me know how annoying each bug is so I can prioritize :)

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